We believe that Forsyth county has the resources to help more families than we are currently reaching. Even though we have the resources, we continue to see a disproportionate number of people living in financial and emotional poverty.
There is a sizable gap between the resources and those in need. We think that Evolve will help fill that gap.
Evolve is an initiative to help families and individuals live a healthy self-sustaining life. The purpose of Evolve would be to provide the support and skills needed to help families break generational poverty, providing a whole new outlook for their children.
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
We provide on average between 30-50,000 lbs of food per month
Our redress program, opened in 2011 provides gently used clothing for children and adults
The outreach alliance for babies provides layettes for agencies in Forsyth county that service at-risk families
We offer a variety of marriage, family, and grief counseling