The Dream Center of Winston-Salem is on a mission to better serve the community it has been helping for years.
With an increased demand for its services, the Dream Center is seeking support from kind-hearted individuals who can give $1,000 towards the purchase and renovation cost of the new building. The new space will have 20,000 sqft, which will be a 35% step-up from the current facility, making it possible for the center to serve more people than ever before.
Your donation will ensure that the center can continue playing a vital role in the community it serves. Join us today in making a difference!
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
We provide on average between 30-50,000 lbs of food per month
Our redress program, opened in 2011 provides gently used clothing for children and adults
The outreach alliance for babies provides layettes for agencies in Forsyth county that service at-risk families
We offer a variety of marriage, family, and grief counseling